USM to offer Adult Literacy classes

July 2, 2021

Acquiring literacy skills as an adult is not easy and learning how to read can seem overwhelming at times, even to the most motivated learners, but we at USM are committed to helping these adults with this issue. USM is extremely excited to start this program and are very grateful to R4CR.
USM is proud and excited to announce that it was selected as one of the 12 Resources For Community Resilience (R4CR) round 2 grant recipients.

R4CR is a program which is funded by the World Bank Trust Fund for St. Maarten and is geared towards providing finances for projects that supports community initiatives, economic recovery, and government.

Through this grant, USM will offer an Adult Literacy program to persons within the community. This program was piloted during our partnership with the St. Maarten Training Foundation (SMTF), and we witnessed adults who could not previously write or read begin doing so. Students within the pilot program expressed great joy and appreciation for the program as it not only gave them skills they were lacking but also provided them with a greater sense of confidence.

There are many adults in our society, who are literacy challenged. They are functioning with the help of family and friends but are essentially vulnerable and run the risk of being taken advantage of.

Acquiring literacy skills as an adult is not easy and learning how to read can seem overwhelming at times, even to the most motivated learners, but we at USM are committed to helping these adults with this issue.

USM is extremely excited to start this program and are very grateful to R4CR for making this possible.

The Adult Literacy Program will be offered under the leadership of USM ESL coordinator, Mrs. Corinne Lejuez, starting next month.

The program will be held 3x a week for 2 hours over a period of 24 weeks.
Interested persons, or someone who knows someone who can’t read or write or has issues with both can email or or call USM directly at 542-5249 for more information.
The actual start date will be announced later.
Through this program USM will now have the opportunity to serve the needs of another group of people in the community.
Do you know someone who has given up learning to read and write because they feel they are too old? Guess what, we are NEVER too old to learn to read and write!

USM reps (3rd & 4th from left), along with other grant recipients, attended a training this past Saturday to learn more of what is expected from them, as they start implementing their programs.


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